Handwoven Scarf #4
October 15th, 2008 | Link

Scarf in variegated green, brown and gold

I know, you’re wondering what happened to scarves numbers 2 and 3. I haven’t gotten around to photographing them. I brought this one into work this morning and one of my coworkers was kind enough to model how well it went with her brown jacket and another one of my coworkers was kind enough to use her iPhone to take the photo. So this one got to be shown first.

This is a variegated, 100% merino wool fingering weight yarn from ValuTree’s Etsy store (in soybean). I used the 10 dpi reed for this one, 60 ends, for a scarf about 5" wide by 53" long (plus fringe). I got the whole scarf out of one 100g ball, with some left over. The scarf is beautifully soft and has great drape. When I did the finishing wash the colors didn’t run at all (unlike the Brown Sheep yarn). I totally recommend this yarn.


  • jane says:

    wow – this is totally impressive. i checked out the link for that fibre arts festival and came across girlontherocks stuff on etsy (she’s one of the local vendors) – she has some interesting little woven pouches and stuff that you should check out!
    hey – see you tomorrow!

  • Shannon says:

    I saw her little needle cases, I think they are woven on one of those small square looms. They’re cute!
    I’ll see you tomorrow!

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